Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Two Family Sail

Today we did our first sail for the season and Heidi's first sail. This was also the most people we had along at once, 4 adults and 4 kids. Surprisingly it was not to crowded. The kids enjoyed to stay under the bow and to cast the toy fishing pole or drag the red Styrofoam boat behind us. The weather was beautiful, although a little more chilly and winder than expected. The great thing about this time of the year is that the water is still clean and algae free and the dock is not crowded. After the sail we had a pick nick and the kids played at the sand beach and playground for the rest of the day.

The previously mentioned modifications were done, a new bow bag with cover was installed and the new spinnaker halyard with take up reel was installed. We didn't get a chance to fly the spinnaker though and test the new system. We'll need to do that some other time soon. Of course I got a new shiny coat of wax for the season.

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