Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday Afternoon Cruise

Claus got sick of spending all Friday night and all day Saturday setting upthe new home email server and spend Sunday without touching any computer. Instead I took him and a friend and a 9 year old Maia out for a nice long afternoon sail. Winds were again not extremely strong so it was a pleasurable sail. Maia spend some time on the tiller and enjoyed it quite a bit. She got a bit scared when a gust hit and let go of the tiller which of course make things worse. She still doesn't like it when I heel. But a few more times on the tiller and out on the lake and she'll be more comfortable with it.

Claus pushed off the boat from the dock by himself and also docked quite nicely by himself. Maybe I do have a chance to convince him that he can take me out on the lake by himself without the help of others. Earlier this week Claus was looking at an old Sunfish like boat. He wants to sail more often without having to recruit crew or renting a boat from the university. I'd say he should get more confident taking me out by himself. People often sail Flying Scots by themselves and even fly the spinnaker. So Claus, don't be a chicken!

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